PhD award in Luminescence Dating for International Students, Denmark
Are you interested in knowing how long ago mineral grains were last unsheltered to sunlight or sufficient heating? For exploring this, an opportunity is granting by the DTU Nutech, The Radiation Physics Division at the Technical University of Denmark.
DTU Nutech is looking for high potential aspirants for a PhD position to analyze the chronology of the migration of early and modern humans.
How to Apply
- How to apply: For joining this project, participants are suggested to take part in a PHD course at the university and then apply for the fund through the online submission.
- Supporting Documents: A PDF file should be prepared and attached with the application which includes a motivation letter, curriculum vitae, academic transcript and an excel sheet with translation of grades to the Danish grading system.
- Admission Requirements: A master’s degree in physics, chemistry, geoscience, archaeological science or similar is highly required for admission.
- Language Requirement: It is not important to have a piece of knowledge about Danish language but the knowledge of the English language is essential to study this program.
The candidates will get an opportunity to work in an environment with activities and expertise in a wide range of fields related to ionizing radiation, including radiation physics, dosimetry, radioecology, and medical applications.
Application Deadline: May 28, 2019
- Eligible Countries: Interested applicants of any nationality are eligible.
- Acceptable Course or Subjects: They are eligible to apply for a PhD degree program in the field of Luminescence Dating.
- Admissible Criteria: You must be very passionate about this project and ready to be a part of a full-time course.
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