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Université Paris-Saclay International Master’s Scholarship Programme Academic Year 2019-2020

Program Website
Candidacy Localization
  • International

Université Paris-Saclay aims to promote access for international students to its Master’s programmes, delivered by its member institutions, and to make it easier for highly-qualified international students to join the University, especially for those wishing to develop an academic project through research up to the doctoral level.

Scholarships will be awarded for the 2019-2020 academic year. Established with the IDEX funding of the 3rdProgramme Investissements d’Avenir, and awarded based on academic achievements, these scholarships are aimed at students admitted to Université Paris-Saclay Master’s programmes, and enrolled at one of the following member institutionsAgroParisTech, CentraleSupelec, ENS Paris-Saclay, INSTN-CEA, IOGS, Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne, Paris-Sud University, Université Versailles St-Quentin.

These scholarships are awarded for 1 or 2 years to students enrolled in a Master’s programme at Université Paris-Saclay, depending on the admission level (M1 or M2) and subject to students completing the required number of credits to advance to the next year level.

For the 2019-2020 academic year, Université Paris-Saclay and its founding members are implementing a broad exemption policy for all international students. Tuition fees for non-EU students enrolled in a Paris-Saclay Master’s programme will be brought into line with those of EU students (243€) at the start of the academic year

Application Procedure:

1) Selected students will automatically be sent a link by email to an online application form.
Upon receipt of this email, students wishing to apply will need to complete the online application form and provide (mandatory) the names of two references who would be willing to submit a reference for the candidate (director of studies, professor, internship coordinator…).

2) Each of the two references named by the candidate will be sent a link by email to an online recommendation form. They will be asked to complete and submit the form prior to the closing day of the scholarship call. 
The candidate will automatically be informed when each reference has submitted the form.

3) The application file for a scholarship will be considered complete when both recommendation forms have been submitted by the two references.
Please note: the candidate will not receive a message confirming that the application is complete.
It is up to the candidate to ensure both references complete and submit the form by the deadline given in the invitation email.

Applications that are incomplete or received after the deadline will automatically be rejected.


Are eligible:

  • Students admitted to a Université Paris-Saclay Master’s programme and whose institution of administrative enrolment is one of the following: AgroParisTech, CentraleSupelec, ENS Paris-Saclay, INSTN-CEA, IOGS, UVSQ, UEVE, Paris-Sud University. Among these students, only those who answer one of the following criteria are eligible to apply:
  • Newly arrived international students, aged 30 and less during the course of the selection year.
  • Students of foreign nationality living on the French soil for less than a year, previously or currently enrolled in a training course or internship that does not lead to certification.
  • Students of foreign nationality living on the French soil for less than a year, taking language classes (type FFL).
  • Students who have lived in France in the past, within the framework of a mobility programme during their studies (e.g. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees, exchange programme…) that did not lead to certification.

Are ineligible:

  • All students who have been or who are enrolled in a French higher education institution during their studies, except international students enrolled in a French higher education institution abroad.
  • Students who have interrupted their studies for more than 3 consecutive years.
  • Students receiving any other type of funding whose amount exceeds 600€ per month.
Contact Information
University of Paris-Saclay
Espace Technologique, Bat. Discovery - RD 128 - 2e ét., 91190 Saint-Aubin, France
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