Presentation College, Chaguanas,Trinidad and Tobag
Presentation College, Chaguanas is a Roman Catholic secondary school in Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago and is the brother school of Presentation College, San Fernando.
- Work begins each day with an assembly at 7:55 a.m.
- Each student is required to purchase a report book and reports are issued twice per term(mid term and end of term). Parents, are advised to check their son's report book and have it signed and returned to the Fom Teacher as soon as possible.
- Students who wish to go home for lunch must have a written excuse from a Parent/Guardian giving a reason for his absence. This excuse is to be written in the homework book only (not on loose paper).
- A student without authorization from a Parent or Guardian is not allowed to visit a doctor or dentist except in cases of emergency.
- A student will not be allowed to leave school unless accompanied by a Parent or Legal Guardian ( A form of ID as well as visual confirmation by the Principal or Vice Principal is required).
- Parents are asked to ensure that their children do not wear gold chains or expensive watches to school.
- Cell phones should be secured and turned off during school hours (PCC does not accept liability for loss or damaged phones).
- If you wish to visit the school at any time to discuss the progress of your son or to inform us of any problems that may be affecting him, please do so.
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