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Southeast Missouri State University Cape Girardeau, USA

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One University Plaza Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
ZIP code
United States
Southeast Missouri State is an above-average public university located in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. It is a mid-size institution with an enrollment of 7,779 undergraduate students. The Southeast Missouri State acceptance rate is 85%. Popular majors include Liberal Arts and Humanities, Biology, and Nursing. Graduating 52% of students, Southeast Missouri State alumni go on to earn a starting salary of $29,700.
Tuition Fees Per Semester/Trimester
$ 12,165.00
Foreign Student Friendly

To complete the Jane Stephens Honors Program, a student must:

  1. maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.50,
  2. earn a minimum of 24 semester hours of honors credit with at least 6 of these hours at the upper-division level, and
  3. complete a senior honors project.

Students who complete the Jane Stephens Honors Program requirements will be recognized as follows.

  1. They will be designated Honors Scholars.
  2. They will receive a medallion to be worn at the Commencement exercises.
  3. Completion of the Jane Stephens Honors Program requirements will be noted on their academic transcript.


In order to remain in good standing in the Jane Stephens Honors Program after admission, a student must:

  1. maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of at least 3.50 and
  2. remain actively involved in the Jane Stephens Honors Program.

Falling below the required minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 in any semester will cause the student to be placed on honors status review. If, at the end of the status review semester, the student's cumulative GPA is 3.5 or higher, he or she will be returned to regular honors status. If the cumulative GPA is still lower than 3.5, but the semester GPA is 3.5 or higher, the student will remain on honors status review. If the semester GPA for a status review semester is lower than 3.5, honors status may be discontinued. A student may apply for readmission to the Stephens Honors Program if the cumulative GPA is raised to 3.5 or higher.

For info Click here

How to Apply

The undergraduate application for admission is used to determine academic scholarship eligibility. No separate application is required. The undergraduate fall semester early admission consideration and scholarship guarantee deadline is December 1. You are encouraged to submit your application by this date for full admission and scholarship consideration.

Common App

***Firefox or Google Chrome web browsers are recommended.

Undergraduate Domestic Recommended Application Deadlines:

Fall - July 1
Spring - November 1
Summer - May 1

***Applications will be accepted after these dates. The online application will close for undergraduate domestic applicants the Wednesday before classes begin and for graduate domestic applicants the Friday before classes begin. Southeast Online offers programs that have a second eight-week start date (October or March). Contact Southeast Online at [email protected] or (573) 651-2766 for more information and application instructions.

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