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Midwestern State University, USA

Program Website
Educational Category
3410 Taft Blvd Wichita Falls, TX 76308
Wichita Falls
ZIP code
United States
MSU Texas is an above-average public university located in Wichita Falls, Texas. It is a small institution with an enrollment of 4,199 undergraduate students. The MSU Texas acceptance rate is 81%. Popular majors include Radiologic Technician, Nursing, and Liberal Arts and Humanities. Graduating 45% of students, MSU Texas alumni go on to earn a starting salary of $37,700.
Tuition Fees Per Semester/Trimester
$ 10,210.00
Foreign Student Friendly

Want to know if you'll be admitted to Midwestern State University? Use the chart below to find your class rank, and then determine what scores you will need in order to get in!

Class Rank Old SAT Minimum Scores
(Taken Prior to March 2016)
New SAT Minimum Scores
(Taken March 2016 or Later)
ACT Minimum
Composite Scores
Top 25% Automatic Admission Automatic Admission Automatic Admission
Second Quarter 990 1070 21
Third Quarter 1070 1140 23
Fourth Quarter 1110 1180 24
Home School/Non-Ranking By Review By Review By Review

*The old SAT scores above are comprised of Critical Reading and Math components only. The new SAT scores are comprised of Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and Math components. Entrance exam scores must be received from the College Board and/or ACT or be on official high school transcripts in order to be reviewed. MSU will super score test results but super scoring will occur only within the same version of the SAT, not across old and new versions.

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How to Apply

Apply for Admission

Applications for Spring 2019, Summer 2019, Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 are now available. There is a $40.00 application fee.  

U.S. Undergraduate Students-- Apply with the ApplyTexas Application

Beginning Freshmen

students with a high school or GED education, including dual credit college courses


students who have attended another college or university and earned at least 18 college-level credit hours


students who have previously attended MSU and sat out a Fall or Spring semester

Summer Guest/Transient*

students who want to attend as a summer guest/transient student
* Be sure to select UNDECIDED as your major.

Application Dates

Term Priority Date Deadline
Fall March 1 August 1
Spring November 1 December 1
Summer I May 1
Summer II June 1
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