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Western Technology Center, USA

Program Website
Educational Category
621 Sooner Drive Burns Flat, OK 73624
Burns Flat
ZIP code
United States
Western Tech Center is a public college located in Burns Flat, Oklahoma. It is a small institution with an enrollment of 100 undergraduate students. The Western Tech Center acceptance rate is 100%. Popular majors include Licensed Practical Nurse Training (LPN), Cosmetology, and Business Support Services. Western Tech Center alumni go on to earn a starting salary of $23,800.
Tuition Fees Per Semester/Trimester
$ 5,764.00
Foreign Student Friendly


Superintendent: Hoyt Lewis
Assistant Superintendent, Director of Student Services: Kathe Corning
Business Manager, Administrative Assistant: Pam Clark
Financial Aid: Dana Ellis
Counselor: Cheri Lou Gastineau
Career Employment Coordinator: Shelby White

Background Check

Western Technology Center requires that each student purchases a background check through Background checks are required by our cooperating agency clinical sites.  Before allowing students to participate in the clinical rotation, a student must have completed a background check. The background check must be conducted within 30 days prior to the start of the agency rotation. Verification of results must be received by the program coordinator prior to the students rotation start date and will be honored for the duration of enrollment in the clinical program if the participating student has not had a break in the enrollment (see background policy for more specifics). Background checks (at the students’ expense) need to be conducted in all states in which the student has resided in the past 7 years.

Students may be required to have a drug screen at any time during the rotation. These screening tests are the same requirements as those required of employees.

WTC's Practical Nursing Program has arranged for its students to use the following Web site for their background checks:

How to Apply

To apply online, fill out the information below for each tab (General Information, Education, Employment Experience, Teaching Experience if applicable, and Final Steps) and click Submit Form at the bottom of the Final Steps tab.

If you would like to print an application, please click here.
(Note: If you print an application, you must mail or otherwise personally deliver the application for consideration.)

Western Technology Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, religion or veteran status. For inquiries concerning this policy contact HR Director at 580-562-3181 or P.O. Box 1469 Burns Flat, OK 73624.

For Online Apply Form
Click Here

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