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About Us

Select Bridge provides users the unique opportunity to search through leading schools and programs in the world and make informed choices to advance in life.

Select Bridge assists prospective students to find their best placements in preferred institutions. We assist with the search, selection, application process, funds tansfers, scholarships and grant searches and all processes to secure the best and most affordable academic advancement to achieve their career dreams.

Select Bridge is a novel academic institution development and promotion focused organization operating out of the United States. Developed by instructors and education administrators, we are aware of the rigors of establishing and sustaining academic institutional growth and development. Towards this end, SelectBridge was established to bridge the gap between students and institutions and promote academic success.
With a result-oriented approach and tested proprietary market strategies, the SelectBridge team of academic, media and market professionals takes over the huge expense and burden of institutional promotion and student recruitment as we assist, or assume the role of recruitment officers to operate tested strategies and advice core development areas towards the ultimate goal of fulfilling program enrollment and student recruitment, globally or in catchment areas.
For Institutions: Depending on your current performance and needs, we tailor customized promotional strategies for your institution, ranging from website re-development and repositioning to recalibrating your mainstream and social media presence. With digital brand marketing and traditional and on the ground promotion, we optimize your program advertisement and expand student recruitment.
We also provide you prime positioning on our advertised media platforms, which provides you excellent reach to a large audience.

Jobs: In Select Bridge, job searches are also available for workers seeking to change their profession and prospective employees.
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